Thank you for 2009 and best wishes for 2010 to all in the RAMH universe (both visitors and, uh… visitees?) — especially to the proprietors of the following blogs: you collectively and separately inspired me, awed me, made me laugh out loud and ponder, stopped my breath, wonder what the hell I was doing calling myself a “blogger,” and wait eagerly for your next post, way out of proportion to my ability to return the favor.
In alphabetical order:
- The Bloggess
- The Communicatrix
- DarcKnyt
- Dealing in Subterfuges
- Dennis Cass Wants You to Be More Awesome
- Editorial Ass
- Eudaemonia
- Froogville
- Haven Kimmel’s blog (R.I.P.?)
- Helen Couchman
- hyocynth
- The Intern
- Janet Reid
- Julie Weathers
- Lifting Fog (R.I.P.?)
- The Misssy M Misssives
- Nathan Bransford
- Nuts & Mutton
- Okay Fine Dammit
- OrdinaryArt
- The Querulous Squirrel
- ResearchBuzz
- Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast
- Son of Incogneato
- Speak Coffee to Me
- Tremendous News!
- Warrior Girl, You’re a Warrior Mama, Now
- What Kate Did Next
- writing in the water
- xkcd
(Note: Many of you talented, industrious folks work with more than one site or blog, and your other presences are often just as powerful/meaningful as their main ones. Thanks for them, too, folks — especially Maggie for Violence Unsilenced, Marta for Words Are Art (etc., etc.), Moonrat for The Book Book, and Froog for Barstool Blues.)
Maggie, dammit says
Aw, thank you for this, John. It means so much to me that someone of your caliber thinks so highly of what I’m doing–and man, that is some pretty heady company up there. Thank you for this, and happy new year!
marta says
I owe you the thanks. Happy New Year, John.
recaptcha: the present
Well, yes.
DarcKnyt says
Thank you too, John, for all the awesome and thoughtful blog posts. You provide us food for thought and fodder for our own blogs, and I’m as grateful for your words as any blog I’ve ever read.
Thank you for the mention.
Jules says
Aw, shucks. But see, you’ve got it backwards. *You’re* the one inspiring us.
(I like that opening quote, by the way. Good for kicks.)
Froog says
Gosh, a second shout-out in as many days. You’re too kind, John.
I hope the New Year has got off to a bright start for you and The Missus.
John says
All: Thanks for stopping by, as always. And don’t try to kid me: I know darned well which of us is getting the best end of the transaction. :)
Jules: Wasn’t that a cool quote though?!?
Son of Incogneato says
Hi John!
And a Good New Year to yourself!
Always the considerate gentleman, always thinking of others. Always a delight to drop by RAMH.
Beau now has his own Haus. Drop by if you get the chance:
Helen Couchman says
Hey thank you.
Again, Happy New Year!
moonrat says
aww, ::blush::
The Querulous Squirrel says
You are way too kind. Your blog is unique and thought-provoking and humorous and your comments are always immensely helpful. There’d be a huge black hole in the blogosphere without you.
John says
Son, Helen, Moonie, Squirrel: Any even halfway-decent blog is enriched by what the blogger finds elsewhere on the Interwebs. So thank you again, finds o’mine.
Son: You may not know of a problem I have accessing WordPress-based blogs from work (not that I’d ever dream of trying): the IT folks here are blocking nearly all of them as “personal and social networking” time sinks. (They haven’t done the same thing for Blogger-based blogs — go figure.) But I hope to check out Beau’s new digs soon, in off-hours!
Son of Incogneato says
And I thought I was so clever about doing a Word-press blog.
Take your time, John. Always nice to have visiters.
Have you got anything tasty cooking onthe stove? As I said earlier, there are loads of good people at Authonomy. I’d love to see you there.
Take care,
cynth says
Dear John,
I am so humbled that you included me…with such illustrious company, too! You and RAMH have meant a lot to me and others obviously, but I think Querulous put it most meaningfully–there would be a huge black hole without you!
Re-captcha: headier here
It certainly is! Happy new year John and friends.
John says
Son: You’ve mentioned Authonomy before. As I said then, though, I greatly fear the potential for time-sinkism, especially at a time when I oughta be writing more. At some point I need to find a crit group, but I hope it will be one letting me deal with chunks (both mine and others’) smaller than 10K words at a time. :)
cynth: Well, my universe would certainly suffer without me. (Do I hear the word “smart*ss” somewhere in your head right now?)
I notice you didn’t even comment on the fact that I linked to your blog. And I notice, too, that you still didn’t include a link when you dropped a comment here!
My own reCaptcha tends to confirm what I just told Son of Incogneato — to wit, I need to get back to working on the book: sibyls Arthur
the communicatrix says
An auspicious list to land on, in all senses of that word. And I thank you, from all senses, as well.
(By amazing coinkeedink, I just discovered The Intern myself, and immediately subscribed. Whadda blog!)
John says
Colleen (la communicatrix): Thank you for stopping by!
One of the things I like about your blog (and The Intern’s, now that I think about it), subject matter aside, is that it seems curated by a very smart smart*ss; I’m sorry only that it took me so long to discover it. (Your boulder-and-mountain anthem has just cracked up everyone I’ve shared it with. (At least, those who haven’t yet been disciplined for listening to it at cubicle-crossing volume.))
Kelly says
I am beyond honored to be featured here on this lovely site. And, to be linked next to such wonderful blogs. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
John says
Kelly: If I could write 1/10 of a percent as honestly about my life as you do — as well, damn you :) — I’d feel a little better and less uncertain about my own blogging (and indeed, writing in general). Thanks for a year of great posts; I almost never comment, but read every one.
Tessa says
Thank you so much, John. Totally undeserved, especially since I have been largely MIA over the past months. But I have made a list of shiny new year resolutions, which include getting the finger out and coming back to regular blogging. It goes without saying that yours is one of the blogs I truly treasure for great writing. Belated Happy New Year wishes to you and the Missus.