Answer: roll the car window down sometimes.
(We do have a little nervousness about doing this, with reason; The Pooch gets so excited that she seems to lose her basic sense of or concern about where she is in 3D space. Which isn’t a prescription for keeping the windows rolled up — it’s a prescription for keeping hold of her collar. :))
DarcKnyt says
My dog used to lay down in the chair beside me. My ex-wife spoiled her to riding on her left shoulder when driving with the dog, so when she rode with me, the expectation was the same. I had to “re-educate” her about what happens when she tries to climb over me while driving a couple of times. After that, not an issue.
She didn’t really do the head-out-the-window thing for some reason, though. But then, she always reacted extremely poorly when her behind was sniffed by another dog, too.
Merry Christmas to all of you, John!
John says
Thankfully, you added “…by another dog” there. :)
We also worry (the default setting is Worry) about the effects on The Pooch of the airbag’s sudden inflation. If she were a bruiser, maybe and maybe not would it be an issue. But at barely 5 pounds? Yikes. So she doesn’t get to ride up front much, let alone do the window thing. (Too short to reach the window on her own, ha.)
Merry Christmas right back atcha!
marta says
Our smaller dog–22 lbs.–prefers to sniff the a/c vents. He sits there with his nose pressed to it. Our bigger dog–38 lbs.–gets car sick…so, maybe having her hang head out the window isn’t such a bad idea.
Jayne says
Ha! Your pooch and my daughter have a lot in common. And I have the same prescription for her. By the way, she watched the video with me (fool mother I am), and will now be hounding me for some time for a pooch of her own.