Yesterday, I posted (rather at length, I’m afraid) about some of the thoughts and activities recently percolating below the public surface of our plan to spend six-ish months in Europe, starting at the end of May. That post ended with a gloomy grumble about how complex the schedule was shaping up to be, based on several overlapping-not-quite-concurrent six-month timelines.
Well, I’ve thought some more about it all (as one tends to do). And this morning I did a little work to revise the complete bucket list of European cities in light of the nutty schedule I’d focused on yesterday. Here’s what the current thing looks like:

(For a larger view, expand your browser window and click on the image — or you can also view/download a PDF of the whole thing here.)
One particular thing to notice here, with those four calendar blocks highlighted in pale green: our original goal of needing to dress (and pack!) for only one climate — a sort of early-spring/late-fall climate — is more or less (to my great surprise) preserved.
Another thing to notice: the December block of time (marked “London?”) is unaccounted for. I know that if we start the Schengen clock ticking on July 1, as depicted above, we’ve got to be out of the Schengen area by the end of December. So in theory we could extend our southern-Schengen visit shown above by a couple weeks, in order to spend Christmas (and maybe New Year’s?) back in London.
I still have no idea how actually doable this all is, of course. So, more to think about as we go along.
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