[Image: “Superman” (strip #220 January 16, 1944), by Jerry Siegel and Joel Shuster.
Click to enlarge; see the whole page here.]
From whiskey river:
I go to a pub and talk to another man. He is experienced deeply part of the time, and shallowly another part of the time, depending on the quality of my consciousness. If I am very conscious, meeting him can be an experience comparable to great music or even an earthquake; if I am in the usual shallow state, he barely “makes an impression.” If I am practicing alertness and neurological self-criticism, I may observe that I am only experiencing him part of the time, and that part of the time I am not-tuning-in but drifting off to my favorite “Real” Universe and editing out at the ear-drum much of what he is saying. Often, the “Real” Universe hypnotizes me sufficiently that, while I “hear” what he says, I have no idea of the way he says it or what he means to convey.
(Robert Anton Wilson [source])
When it’s late at night and branches
are banging against the windows,
you might think that love is just a matterof leaping out of the frying pan of yourself
into the fire of someone else,
but it’s a little more complicated than that.It’s more like trading the two birds
who might be hiding in that bush
for the one you are not holding in your hand.A wise man once said that love
was like forcing a horse to drink
but then everyone stopped thinking of him as wise.Let us be clear about something.
Love is not as simple as getting up
on the wrong side of the bed wearing the emperor’s clothes.No, it’s more like the way the pen
feels after it has defeated the sword.
It’s a little like the penny saved or the nine dropped stitches.You look at me through the halo of the last candle
and tell me love is an ill wind
that has no turning, a road that blows no good,but I am here to remind you,
as our shadows tremble on the walls,
that love is the early bird who is better late than never.
(Billy Collins [source])