[Image: “Europa, 1538 / Pomponio Mela”; found it via the Flickr account of the National Library of Spain (Biblioteca Nacional de España), and used here under a Creative Commons license. (Thank you!) There’s probably much I could say about the map, but for now just leave it at this: I love that it’s pretty much devoid of identifiable destinations; that seems uncannily apropos.]
Our plans for the EuroTour 2020 adventure aren’t stalled, but we can fairly claim to have been a bit… preoccupied in recent months. We had a long visit with The Stepson over the Christmas holiday; and we — by which I mean mostly The Missus — have been involved in plans for The Stepdaughter’s wedding (coming just a couple weeks before our planned departure for England); and we’re both in the last three months of pre-retirement from jobs of long standing…
So, like I said: preoccupied.
Here are a few things we’ve done regarding the Europe trip.
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