“Why do you watch this stuff?”
That was baffled I, speaking to The Missus. She was telling me about a reality-TV show she’s become obsessed with fascinated by, called Hoarders. If you don’t know the show, here’s the opening paragraph of the current “About” page at the official site:
Each episode of this groundbreaking series follows two different people whose inability to let go of their belongings is so out of control that they are on the verge of personal disaster. In season three of HOARDERS™, the stakes couldn’t be higher as the people profiled are faced with life-changing consequences including eviction, divorce, demolition of their homes, jail time, loss of their children, and even death.
(I can’t bring myself to include a video clip here, but if you poke about on that site you’ll have a pretty good idea what it’s like.)
The reason for the obsession fascination, explained the love of my life, is that she believes us to be hoarders, and hence almost certainly — unless we take drastic action! — doomed to trip down the same cluttered, tragicomic path as those featured on the program. The appeal lies in the cautionary tale, not in mere voyeurism.
(I myself am not so sure. Our stuff doesn’t lie thick on the floor, after all. On only one small room’s door could you fairly hang a sign labeled Et Cetera. And I’d guess, without a formal inventory, that 95% of all the — limited — clutter is more than fifteen years old. We’re not accumulating new stuff. We’re hanging onto scraps of our pasts. Or maybe hoarding begins in this sort of rationalization?)