From whiskey river:
All you can do is this: Whatever you experience, whether tangible or intangible, look underneath the experience, like a child looking for a lizard under a stone. You’re not expecting anything to be there, but you’re always wondering if there might be.
(Richard Leviton)
Not from whiskey river:
One of life’s primal situations; the game of hide and seek. Oh, the delicious thrill of hiding while the others come looking for you, the delicious terror of being discovered, but what panic when, after a long search, the others abandon you! You mustn’t hide too well. You mustn’t be too good at the game. The player must never be bigger than the game itself.
(Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories)
And finally, sometimes you can’t help wondering if there might be something under the next stone, too… Cartoon from The Funny Times cartoon archive: