Thirteen years ago in July, I did the first of what (here at RAMH, anyhow) I categorized as a “whiskey river Friday” post. Back then, I imagined I’d be putting in several days’ worth of effort, every week, in making Running After My Hat a megaphone for cogent — albeit quirky — commentary about this, that, and the other thing, supported by dozens (if not hundreds) of loyal readers and commenters… In short, I imagined that blogging in general would go on like that, forever.
By 2011, I thought maybe I might be able, just possibly, to manage the trick. But “stuff” was happening in the wider world. By then, competitors to blogging (F*ceb**k et al.) had already established beachheads in the social-media battlefield, and various blogging friends had started to wander off, listless, distracted, and disheartened. Still, I’ve kept going after a fashion, especially with the weekly whiskey river Fridays series.
But that’s about to change.
Without going into details for now, by the end of June, 2021, The Missus and I will be here and there (hmm, maybe here or there, more precisely) around the continental US. Among the least of the disruptions to our routines: it will become almost impossible for me to prepare my Friday posts in the same manner I’ve always done them.
I do like doing them — particularly, I still love what whiskey river‘s anonymous presenter, er, presents, several times a week. So I’ll be continuing for the foreseeable future to post something in the manner of what I’ve been doing for thirteen years…
…starting this Friday, 21 May, 2021.
Thanks as ever to those of you who’ve continued to drop by!
P.S. “Don’t want to be a richer man / just gonna have to be a different man…!”