Don’t know what this is about? My previous general post about it is, um… this one.

First, don’t get excited: as I learned a couple days ago, I’m not advancing beyond the first round. I’m posting this just in a spirit of full disclosure, sorta… After paying so much recent attention at RAMH to my “Microfiction Practice” (although less than I wanted to), it doesn’t feel sporting that I just skulk into silence on the subject.
So, below — using the same format I used for the practice sessions — I’ll share my entry. And then I’ll include the judges’ comments, and some wrapping-up remarks of my own.
- Genre: romance
- Word: forget
- Action/Subject: roller skating
Story (99 words, per Microsoft Word):
[Read more…]Marj was on her fifteenth practice lap of the rink, shooting for sixteen. Yet also preoccupied: while counting (“Fifteen… fifteen… fifteen…”), she still fumed over yesterday’s crossword puzzle (“FORGETIVE,” Jesus!, who’d ever encountered “FORGETIVE”? no one in the English Department — she’d asked!). When it came, the collision flipped her head-over-heels over someone else’s ditto. Dazed, Marj raised herself on her elbows, turned to glare at the someone else. OMeffingG: Lydie, Marj’s first. Lydie looked FABULOUS. Her legs, her LEGS, Marj never imagined—
They laughed about that the rest of their lives. “Marj” (Lydie would say) “just wasn’t forgetive enough.”