…just now encountered, although I myself can’t use it this exact moment. Permission granted to do with as you will. Definition supplied free of charge:
fumor (fyoo’-mor), n. A rotten mood; a silent stewing of one’s psyche in frustrating but unalterable circumstances. E.g., Dealing with the idiots in her bridge club always put Madge in a fumor, but what could she do? They were her friends.
fumorous (fyoo’-mor-us), adj. Tending to induce or having already induced a fumor. E.g., Ack! The line to get a book signed by the famous author formed a fumorous, two-block serpent stretching down the rainy street.
fumor, fumored, fumoring, v.t. To regard a frustrating situation balefully, often wishing the most ill of wills upon the persons or other entities which have put one here. E.g., With his fully pregnant bride enduring contractions in the back seat of his car, Jerry could do little but fumor the officious traffic cop. The sonofabitch was standing in a pile of excrement left by a passing farm animal, but Jerry was damned if he’d share the information.
(Also feel free to localize the spelling as appropriate: fumour, etc.)