[Video: note the bass with a truncated bottom. It’s called a Czech-Ease road bass, sold (and apparently designed) by one David Gage of New York. As for the performance, lauded by Penn Jillette as “a tiny little bit of perfect,” it really channels Patsy Cline, doesn’t it? (At the outset, you may wonder — as did I — where the plural “duelling bassES” comes from. Give it time — almost a minute.) For more information on Kate Davis, drop by her Web site. Elvis’s original version of the song is number 22 in the below list, from 2010.]
So: another year, another Christmas… Here (as I’ve done annually since 2008), I’ve added ten songs to the bottom of the previous years’ entries. As before, these artists and songs appear, back-to-back, in the following playlist:
Want to visit the pages for earlier playlists, which include videos, other songs, and some background material not in the “official” list? Here y’go:
— 2008: —
- Peter Robbins et al.: dialogue from A Charlie Brown Christmas
- Anonymous 4: Hodie Christus Natus Est
- Waverly Consort: Three Spanish Villancicos – Dadme Albcrecias
- Perry Como: Home for the Holidays
- Mannheim Steamroller: Joy to the World
- George Winston: The Holly and the Ivy
- Celtic Woman: O Holy Night
- John Denver and the Muppets: The Twelve Days of Christmas
- Al Hirt: Nutty Jingle Bells
- The Roches: Deck the Halls
— 2009: — - Charlotte Church: Mary’s Boy Child
- Madeleine Peyroux/k.d. lang: River
- George Winston: Variations on the Kanon
- Arthur Fiedler & The Boston Pops: The Toy Trumpet
- Eartha Kitt: Santa Baby
- Mannheim Steamroller: Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- Celtic Woman: The Wexford Carol
- The Brian Setzer Orchestra: Jingle Bells
- Jimmy Boyd: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
- Cumberland Gap Reunion: Silent Night
— 2010: — - Sam Phillips: Cold Dark Night (lyrics)
- Elvis Presley: Blue Christmas
- Loreena McKennitt: God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (may be my favorite addition to this year’s list…)
- The Chipmunks: The Chipmunk Song
- Frank Sinatra: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
- London Philharmonic Orchestra: It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
- Tony Elman: Winter Creek
- Sara Groves: Toy Packaging (lyrics) (…and this may be my favorite for grins)
- Harry Belafonte: Mary’s Boy Child
- Ray Conniff Singers: Ring Christmas Bells
— 2011: — - Ralph Marterie and His Band: Dig That Crazy Santa Claus
- Nat King Cole: The Christmas Song
- The Indigo Girls: It Really Is (A Wonderful Life) (lyrics)
- Johnny Mercer and the Pied Pipers: Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town
- Dean Martin: Baby It’s Cold Outside (also see the wonderful American Songwriter writeup on the story of this song’s composition [thanks, Jules!])
- Ferrante and Teicher: Sleigh Ride
- Bo Dollis & Wild Magnolias: Shakana Santa Shake It
- Neil Diamond: Silver Bells
- Taverner Consort, Choir, & Players (Andrew Parrott, conductor): Branle de l’Officiel (Ding! Dong! Merrily on High)
- George Winston: Carol of the Bells
— 2012: — - Michael Tilson-Thomas & Philharmonia Orchestra: The Nutcracker (Overture)
- Vince Guaraldi Trio: O Tannenbaum
- Troy Hess: Christmas on the Moon (And don’t worry, it’s not just you: no one else seems to understand the lyrics (other than the refrain), either.* America’s Singing Souvenir Troy Hess was four years old when he recorded this in 1970. )
- Barbra Streisand: I Wonder as I Wander
- Frank Sinatra: Jingle Bells
- Al Hirt: Ave Maria
- Art Neville: Christmas Gumbo
- Ella Fitzgerald: Frosty the Snowman
- Dean Martin: I’ll Be Home for Christmas
- Choir of King’s College, Cambridge: Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht
— 2013: — - Knightsong: Christmas Is Coming
- Mannheim Steamroller: Pat-a-Pan
- Vienna Boys’ Choir: The Little Drummer Boy
- Tori Amos: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
- Cumberland Gap Reunion: The First Noel
- I Soloisti di Zagreb & Antonio Janigro: Toy Symphony: I: Allegro
- Liuba María Hevia (Spanish-language site): Venid Fieles Todos (Adeste Fidelis) (probably my favorite track in this year’s mix)
- Corporal Blossom: White Christmas
- Perry Como: O Holy Night
- Enya: Oíche Chiúin [Chorale] — 2014: —
- George Winston: Some Children See Him
- She & Him: Baby It’s Cold Outside (this year’s favorite!)
- Bing Crosby: Winter Wonderland
- Barry Gordon: Nuttin’ for Christmas
- Mahalia Jackson: Go Tell It on the Mountain
- Bobby Helms: Jingle Bell Rock
- Ray Conniff & the Ray Conniff Singers: The Twelve Days of Christmas
- Barbra Streisand: Jingle Bells? (And yes, the question mark belongs there! You might be interested in the Midweek Music Break for this song, posted on December 24, 2014 — which explains why this number replaced the one I first included here.)
- Emmylou Harris: Light of the Stable
- Boston Pops Orchestra: The Nutcracker: Final Waltz
(Note: The playlist goes automatically from start to finish, once you click the little Play button. To fast-forward to the next number, once a song is playing you’ll find a little fast-forward button to the right of its progress meter. And a fast-rewind to the left, for that matter.)
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If you’re pressed for time, and/or just don’t want to (re-)listen to the earlier years’ selections, with the player gizmo below you can listen to just 2014’s ten-song list, without having to fast-forward to it through earlier lists. And as in the last couple of years, I’ve also given RAMH regulars (and anyone else who can figure it out!) the chance to use their secret right-bracket decoder rings, to listen to the playlist later without even visiting here. Here we go with the ten selections from this year only:
[2014 only]