[As before, if you want to see a larger and more legible version of the chart, you can either (1) maximize your browser window, and then click on the version above; or (2) view a PDF version of it. Note that the latter is about 2.8 MB in size.]
Definitely a minor update today… If you’ve been following the excruciating intellectual saga to this point, you may remember that last weekend I posted an updated list of European cities we’re hoping to visit this year. That version of the list included a crucial refinement — it took into consideration:
- Each country’s membership in the Schengen club; and
- Our desire to be in the UK and Ireland both at the start of the trip, and during the month of August.
This brought us a little closer to something like a real itinerary, because it shows how we’d propose to jump into and out of the Schengen region during the allowed 180-day period, without overstaying the total of 90 days allowed in that window of time. The graphic depiction of this schedule included translucent indications of four distinct “calendar blocks,” as I think of them:
- A month-long stay in England only;
- A month-long stay in some of the mid- and the northern Schengen area;
- A two-month stay in the rest of the UK and Ireland (plus a visit to non-Schengen Bucharest at the end of that block); and
- A two-month stay in the remaining Schengen area.
(A fifth sorta-kinda vague block dangled at the end, in December; I assumed this to be up to a month back in the UK.)
It took me a few days to realize what bugged me about last weekend’s version of the schedule. To wit: the margins of the four main calendar blocks were sharply delineated, suggesting that we had some precise idea when each block began and ended. Which is rubbish; we don’t really know yet when even the first block starts, nor when the last one ends — let alone where and when we’ll be cavorting around in the middle. All we know for sure is that we must be out of our apartment by the end of May.
So, then, the very minor update: I’ve replaced those translucent-green blocks with translucent-green-gradient blocks: the blocks now sort of taper off from one to the other, with a bit of overlap to indicate the vagueness of the milestones.
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