[Image: “Wherever I Lay My Hat,” by an unknown user on Flickr. I thought the title especially suitable to my thinking about RAMH these days. (Aside to whoever took this photo — it’s been years since I snagged a copy: thank you very much… and do let me know if you object to my using it finally here!)]
Another year gone by; even less music… at last count, only seven posts assigned to the Music category since last April… How the heck am I going to build an anniversary playlist?Wait — I know: I can combine all previous years’ mixes into one gonzo list!
Herewith, then, the “Master Mix” (to the extent that there is one). Below the little audio-player thingumabob I’ll mention some details about the mix and how to use it, and then move on to my usual April-style woolgathering. (I haven’t totaled up the length of the whole thing, but there are six earlier lists; each is about one CD’s worth of music, or about 70-75 minutes apiece… which comes to… um… seven hours of music?!?)
Note that this master mix is automatically shuffled; every time you load the page, you’ll get a new mix. (If you want to listen to the songs in the order they were originally played in, I’ve included — in a table below the audio player itself — links to the individual anniversary posts.) You can if you want pop out the playlist into its own browser window — see the “Popout” link at the top left of the player? The popout will be shuffled in the same order as the list shown; it will enable you to close this window, and to go on to something else. Dusting, maybe. Or Facebook (haha).
RAMH@10: The Master Mix
About this year’s mix:
I’ve been meaning to go back for some time and clean up a few of the earlier April posts, which were (to skip over the details) still clinging to old and no longer functional technologies. They’re all up to date now; you can see each of them by following the corresponding links here — each anniversary post includes links to the blog posts featuring that list’s songs:
Year | Post Title |
2017 | RAMH@9: The Music Break Mix |
2016 | RAMH@8: To One Thing Constant Never… and a Playlist |
2015 | RAMH@7: Old Friends (A Playlist, and a Rumination or Two) |
2014 | RAMH@6: Discoveries (A Playlist, and a Rumination) |
2013 | RAMH@5: Cherchez les Femmes (A Playlist) |
2012 | (no anniversary playlist this year) |
2011 | RAMH@3: The Mix |
2008-10 | (none: sorry, took me a while to realize I could do this!) |
(Note too that this master playlist allows you to download the song currently playing — that’s the purpose of the Download link to the right of the Popout button. The individual anniversary mixes do not allow downloads.)